Saturday, October 14, 2023

Quotes: Harvey Pekar

Graphic Novel American Splendor 

✍️ Lidia Yuknavitch

The Chronology of Water: A Memoir" by Lidia Yuknavitch, Chelsea Cain -

repost because I love this: 

"sometimes ordinary things are staggering."

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

✍️ Dave Eggers

Her name sounded both regal and smooth, like a trickle of warm water and thus far she herself seemed regal and smooth like warm water  (The Eyes and the Impossible)

She was a very good talker and a very good listener and I have to admit I drank from her mind as I would a perfect spring after a long hot day (The Eyes and the Impossible)

Stuff that I can't highlight via my Kindle using Goodreads gets posted here - found objects

Saturday, October 7, 2023

📙Interesting Facts

The more a person recalls a memory, the more they change it. Each time they put it into language, it shifts. The more you describe a memory, the more likely it is that you are making a story that fits your life, resolves the past, creates a fiction you can live with. It’s what writers do. Once you open your mouth, you are moving away from the truth of things. According to neuroscience.

✍️ William Faulkner

“The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life.”

Stuff that I can't highlight via my Kindle using Goodreads gets posted here - found objects

Book: PageBoy by Elliot Page

This world has many ends and beginnings A cycle ends, will something remain? Maybe a spark once so bright will bloom again. —BEVERLY GLENN-C...