Sunday, November 12, 2023

💭 Thoughts


  • Good art originates from the desire to show yourself 


  • Books give you a window as to how to be exceptional.  We already know how to be ordinary in ordinary times of our life - that's not useful.  Stories destill everything that is boring and exciting things get agregated.  Truth is mundane reality and what we want is the distillation of these exciting experience and thats the story - the writer's goal. 


  • We can move so much further with geniune care for each other.


  • Chess is the only thing in the world were I can see all the factors and understand all the rules


  • That's the order of human life and history - to expect such immediate happiness is a mistake. Happiness isn't something you wait around for. It's soemthing you create yourself  


  • Is energy 


  • Deson't depend on much you know but how much you felt

Quantum Wave Function 

  • The brain can't handle the complexity and organizes it into something it understands 


  • The things you feel but can't see 


  • It's what we don't say that actually says the most. Peotry is found between the lines 


  • Having the best of everything does that make the best people?


  • My ambition is to do the job well.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

📖 To Read

Lynn Tillman, Peggy Phelan, Eurydice, Marguerite Duras, Hélène Cixous, The Secret Life of Shirley Sulivan, Tim O'Brien In the Lake of the Wood, Erich Auerback, Craig Silvey Jasper Jones, Peter Cameron The City of Your Final Destination, Rober Cormier The Chocolate Wars, Dodie Smith I Capture The Castle, Margaret Atwood Cat's Eye, 

✍️ Hiromi Kawakami

 A person can learn all manner of things, no matter where he finds himself, provided his spirit is determined. (The Briefcase)

Stuff that I can't highlight via my Kindle using Goodreads gets posted here - found objects

✍️ Clarice Lispector

What I'm writing to you is not for reading - it's for being.  
(Agua Viva)

The more we need, the more God exists. 
(The Passion According to G.H.)

Stuff that I can't highlight via my Kindle using Goodreads gets posted here - found objects

🦠 Sonia Vallabh - Quest to Cure Prion Disease — Before It’s Too Late

  Sonia Vallabh co-leads the initiative to develop preventive drugs for prion disease at the Broad Institute. She comes to this work with a ...