Puzzles... is a way to control the chaos.
Life is messy. It doesn't make any goddamn sense. Sorry to break the news to you. Life's just random. Everything's random. My success, you here now. There's nothing we can do to control anything. But when you complete a puzzle, when you finish it, you know that you have made all the right choices. No matter how many wrong pieces you tried to fit into a wrong place, but at the very end, everything makes one perfect picture. What other pursuits can give you that kind of perfection? Faith? Ambition? Wealth? Love? No. Not even love can do that, Mata. Not completely.
When you complete a puzzle, you know that you have made all of the right choices.
Normally, your mind is moving so fast, you don't really know where it's going. There's nowhere for you to express your mind. No one to express it to. It makes you nervous. So you focus on menial tasks. Puzzles are menial tasks for you, so you can focus. But the results are aesthetically pleasing, you like it, and it turns you on.